I don't know if you knew that FIKA & Co. was born in the global confinement of 2020. The historic moment conditioned the decision of the name of the brand, FIKA , since we had to "stop for a moment and appreciate the good things that the life".
The second part of the name, &Co ., has nothing to do with "and Company", but instead seeks "CO.laborar" with other projects that are aligned with the philosophy of the brand in any field. For example, one of the most inspirational projects we've been working with over these three years is the (R)Forest Project , a project that helps reforest forests.
On this occasion, not only was there planting of trees, but we also had the art of Javier Peña , the good music of Román Mosteiro in a Candestino concert and the tools provided by El Alquilador to make it a round day.
Don't forget to watch the video of the event on our channel, you're going to love it!
As you can see in the compilation of great moments, there was no shortage of our latest item "Coacher Black" (made from recycled bottles), nor sweatshirts as mythical as the "Sage Fika Meaning" (used by both boys and girls), the cap "Yellow is the new black" or the famous "Beanies" (you already know that we have them in black, burgundy or mustard)
What will be the next Co.-laboratory project?